Make Learning Fun
Make learning fun whatever you are doing!
Life is just too short not to enjoy it.
When I taught school, the first objective was to get the kids to want to come to school or your class. If kids want to come to your class, that is a big hurdle you have just jumped.
One way to accomplish this is to make learning fun.
Now, that does not mean that you have to entertain them every waking minute. I am talking about taking a bit of a different approach to a topic.
Take the time to think to yourself:
*Is there a way that I can spruce it up! —instead of the just the same lecture, traditional drill, practice worksheet, or boring review?
*How can I get students’ attention and blood flowing when they first enter the classroom?
*How about taking the time to notice something good about each and everyone of your students?
I know this takes more time and time is of a premium, especially when you are in the education field. There just never seems enough time for all that lesson preparation, execution, grading, and bookwork.
Well, I hope that I can help you out at least a little bit.
Check back for tips, activities, games, and other tricks of the trade to make you teaching life a little easier and add more fun to everyone’s learning day.
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